Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Hey everyone!! This week has been super awesome and super busy. Last Monday we went to the Cider Mill with the sister missionaries in Carthage. Apple Cider in New York is sooo good! Tuesday was our last district meeting this transfer (a transfer is every six weeks). Sister Munoz and I will be staying her in Watertown, so that she can finish training me.Wednesday we got to have dinner at a members cottage near lake Ontario. The cottage was super cute and view was even better. Friday we went to do service at the Nursing home, like we normally do. A woman named Joann had us come visit with her for a little while. Few days ago she fell and had broken her arm, so she made us sign her hot pink cast, it was the cutest! Then Saturday we went to the Bishop's home all the way out by the 1000 islands. We got to go see Boldt Castle and we were pretty much five minutes from Canada. The castle was super awesome, if you have time you should look up the story behind it online it's pretty interesting. 
Amie, the woman I had mentioned a few weeks ago, is doing great! Her baptism will hopefully be sometime this month. We are also working hard to find more people to teach and it has been going pretty good. We are excited for general conference this weekend!! Love you all!
-Sister Walker
The Cider Mill!

Joann and her hot pink cast!

Pictures from Boldt Castle! That's us with Amie and Woody! 

Dinosaur Egg!